Icings, Whipped Cream Frosting Cakes & Cookies

1/2 tsp. unflavored gelatin
2 tbsp. cold water
1 cup heavy cream
speck salt
2 tbsp. confectioner's sugar
1/2 tsp. lemon juice.

Sprinkle gelatin over cold water in a small bowl; let stand a few minutes to soften. Scald 2 tbsp. cream. Pour over gelatin, stirring to dissolve; refrigerate. When mixture is thick but not stiff, beat. Whip remaining cream; add salt, conf. sugar, lemon juice. Fold in whipped-cream-gelatin mixture.

NOTE:Fills and frosts top of two 8" or 9" layers; or frosts one 10" angel food or sponge cake.

CHOCOLATE WHIPPED-CREAM FROSTING: Melt one 6 oz.pkg. semi-sweet chocolate pieces over hot, not boiling, water. Cool. Fold into above mixture; omit lemon juice.

ORANGE WHIPPED-CREAM FROSTING: Substitute 1 tsp. grated orange rind for lemon juice.

COFFEE WHIPPED-CREAM FROSTING:Add one tsp. instant coffee.
