India; Pickled Onions Freezing & Preserving

4 lbs. small pickling onions
1 gallon water
1 lb. salt
6 med. green peppers
1 can(4 oz.) pimientos
1 tbsp. dried mint
2 qts. white vinegar
1/2 tsp. celery seeds
1 1/2 tsp. dried parsley
3 tbsp. peppercorns
7 cloves garlic
1 tsp. carroway seeds

Peel onions and toss into a mixture of water and salt. Let stand overnight. Next day, rinse onions in several changes of cold water; drain and cut a slash halfway down from top of each onion. Pack into 5 sterilized pint jars, and over the tops sprinkle chopped green peppers, dried mint.

Mix remaining ingredients in a saucepan and cook to the boiling point; then reduce heat and cook very slowly for 30 minutes. Pour over the onions. Seal and store a minimum of 8 days before using. Give the jars a good shake every day during the mellowing period.
