Variety, Sweetbreads Paprika Meats

1 lb. calf sweetbread
4 tbsp. butter
1 small onion,finely chopped
1/4 tsp. paprika
1 tsp. flour

GENERAL:Purchase only fresh sweetbreads. Plunge in cold water the same day for one hour,changing several times. Drain, put in pot with water,dash of salt and juice of 1 lemon. Bring to boil and simmer 5 minutes(gently). Drain, return to a dish of cold water to blanche thoroughly. Carefully pick out tubes and membranes without tearing tissues. Place in fridge and use in favorite recipe.

Cut sweetbreads into mouth size portions. Heat fry pan ,add butter and saute onion until golden;add paprika;stir and add sweetbreads and steam in their own juices. Add 1/4cup water and steam until soft(covered) for about 10 minutes. Dust with flour,fry and stir. Serve with noodles.
