Basmati Rice Pasta & Grains

1 cup basmati rice
1 1/8 cup water
1 tbsp. butter or margerine
Another Method
(Gourmet/Jan 2000)
2 cups unrinsed basmati
3 cups cold water

Put rice in a large bowl and fill with water. Sift fingers through the rice to allow all the dirt to come to the surface.Remove what dirt you see. Let sit for 5 minutes, then pour off the water. Wash the rice 3 more times, each time removing any dirt.( Wash until there is no more dirt and the water is relatively clear.) Soak rice for 1/2 hour.

Drain rice and let sit in strainer for 20 to 30 minutes.

Heat a heavy bottomed pot on medium heat. Melt the butter and add the drained rice.Stir to coat all the grains with the butter for 1 or 2 minutes. Add the water and bring to a boil on high heat, stirring the rice. Reduce to a strong simmer, cover and leave, untouched for 20 minutes. Remove cover and gently flake with a fork. Turn off heat and let sit for 10 minutes. Serve. If made ahead, rice may be reheated in a heavy pan, butter added, on very low heat.

MICROWAVE;This is even better when cooked in microwave as the bottom doesn't stick.Use appropriate settings and cook 6 minutes on high and about 12 minutes on # 4 setting. Proceed as above.

GOURMET. Put in 3 quart microwave-safe dish. Cook on high, uncovered, 15 minutes, or until steam holes appear in rice. Cover dish and cook 5 min. more. Let stand,covered,5 min. and fluff with fork.
