Paper Mache Recipes Pasta & Grains

1/2 cup flour
large spoonful salt
1 cup warm water
1 1/2 cups flour
1/2 cup cornstarch
1/4 cup salt
3/4 cup hot water

PASTE: Combine flour and salt in a bowl.Add warm water and mix with your hands until thick, creamy and soup-like. Add flour to thicken or water to thin. Mix in a plastic bag in the bowl for quick clean-up.

BAKER'S CLAY: Combine flour and cornstarch in a bowl. Mix salt with hot water and stir into dry ingredients. Knead for 5 to 10 minutes or until smooth and satiny. Form shapes. Bake on an ungreased cookie sheet in 200¼F oven for 2 to 4 hours or until

dry but not brittle.

NOTES: Tear newspaper into strips about 1-inch wide. Newspaper has a grain. Tear it in the right direction and it will tear straight and evenly. Coat object with paste and lay strip on pasty area, then spread more paste on top of this. Do the same with another strip, overlapping the first one. Continue until the whole object is covered with 4 layers of paper and paste, using narrower and shorter strips in tight areas.
