Cucumbers, Braised Vegetables & Fruits

2 medium cucumbers
1 tbsp. sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 cup vinegar
2 tbsp. water
1 oz. butter
4 shallots,chopped fine
1 tbsp flour
1/2 tsp. fennel seeds
2 cups chicken broth
fresh dill

Peel cucumbers.Cut in one-half lengthwise,remove seeds; cut in chunks.

Combine in a bowl the sugar,salt,vinegar and water. Pour over the cucumber chunks and let stand for 1 hour. Drain.

Melt butter. Saute shallots until tender. Sprinkle with flour and fennil seeds. Cook until golden;whisk in chicken broth. Simmer until thickened slightly. Add cucumber and simmer gently for 10-15 minutes until tender but not mushy.

Garnish with fresh dill.
