Zuchini and Tomatoes Vegetables & Fruits

1 large onion
1 lb. of zuchini,sliced
1 large can of tomatoes
1 cup bread crumbs
salt to taste
freshly ground pepper
Parmesan cheese

Saute sliced onion in butter until yellow, add sliced zuchini and cook and stir 5 minutes. Add 1 cup fresh or canned tomatoes

(drained).Season with salt and pepper, cover, and cook 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, melt 3 tbsp. butter in the fry pan. Add bread crumbs and stir until coated and slightly brown.

Place zuchini - tomato mixture in buttered casserole, sprinkle with buttered bread crumbs and then generously with parmesan cheese.

Bake, uncovered in 375 F oven for 20 minutes or until brown. Serves 6.
